
MMS33 - Potentiometric Linear Transducer

The MMS33 linear transducers are used in heavy vibration applications that require a displacement sensor with long lifespan, high accuracy and front guided push rod in measuring lengths from 50 to 900 mm.

Special features

  • Robust design in protection class IP60 (optional IP65)
  • Measuring lengths from 50 to 900 mm
  • With front guided push rod
  • Simple coupling with ball joints (not included)
  • For applications with strong vibrations

In the displacement sensor series MMS33 the mechanical detection of linear movement is done by a front guided push rod. To avoid vertical or angular misalignment a link ball can be mounted on the push rod. The robust construction is particularly suitable for applications with strong vibrations and is available in protection class IP60 (optional IP65) as well as with plug and cable connection.
To ensure high accuracy and long lifespan the potentiometric measuring principle is realized with a high-resolution conductive plastic resistance element. Since the potentiometric measuring principle delivers absolute values and requires no electronic conversion, the position feedback signal is true power on without delay, temperature stable and robust against EMC influences.

Facts Fakta

Effective electrical travel50 to 900mm in 19 variants
Mechanical position detectionSingle guided push rod, Without spring return
Sensor TechnologyPotentiometric
DesignRectangular profile
Protection ClassUp to IP65
Electrical connectionAxial, Cable, Connector
Functions / FeaturesIndustry standard dimension
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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linear sensor potentiometric conductive plastic

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MMS33 - Potentiometric Linear Transducer

The MMS33 linear transducers are used in heavy vibration applications that require a displacement sensor with long lifespan, high accuracy and front guided push rod in measuring lengths from 50 to 900 mm.

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Do not use. Old typ model, we refer to SPI18

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linear sensor potentiometric conductive plastic

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MHU60-25 puls/100 puls

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MHO-25 puls/100 puls

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SPE manual encoder

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SPM - Optical incremental encoder

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MPA20/MPA21 - Conductive plastic

Potentiometer in 22 mm housing, with or without endstop
Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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