HMA2 - Magnetic position sensor

Magnetic position sensor with measuring strokes from 50..4000 mm. Designed for hydraulic applications with up to 350 bar.

Special Features

  • High protection class IP67
  • 350 bar operating pressure
  • With external cursor - encapsulation of the sensor element
  • Mounting via external flange
  • Measuring strokes from 50 mm to 4000 mm

The linear transducers are designed for an operating pressure of 350 bar with peak values of 500 bar. The distance measurement takes place via an external cursor.

Facts Fakta

Effective electrical travel50..4000 mm in 28 variants
Mechanical position detectionUnguided cursor / actuator
Sensor TechnologyMagnetostrictive
DesignCylindrical profile, Flange
Resolution16 bit
Protection ClassIP67
Electrical connectionAxial, Connector, Cable
Functions / FeaturesHydraulic applications

Documents Dokument

Data sheet HMA2
CAD files HMA2
Axel Kullmann

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Vi kan besvara era frågor och berätta hur produkterna kan anpassas efter era precisa behov We can answer your questions and describe how our products can be modified to fit your exact needs

Axel Kullmann

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Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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