
Sales and Delivery Conditions


In EUR, CHF or SEK, ex VAT. Pricing will be stated in the offer, depending on the product and customer wish.


Normally 30 days credit is given. Credit check will be done for new customer. For late payments a surcharge will be added according to the Swedish law “Räntelagen”.

Deliveries and package

FCA, Incoterm 2020, our stock in Smålandsstenar, incl. package.
We use PostNord for deliveries. Transportation costs will be charges.
Customer can also use their own accout at a forwarder (i.e. DHL, DBSchenker).

Warrenty and Claims

Product guarantee is 12 month from invoice date. The guearantee covers only purchased material and all other costs will be rejected. For defects that were detected by the customer prior to installation or processing, or that could have been detected with reasonable effort, all claims arising from material defect liability will be void as soon as the product is installed or processed. Lotax offers no guarantee for a predetermined service life of products, especially under difficult or unknown operating conditions. Invoice for clamed material must be present, other wise the claim will be rejected.
Before sending any claims back pls take contakt with us for return instructions. Claims that are not approved, due to no fault in product, or bad handling, or wrong installation, or any other fault, will will be charged an analysis fee of 450 SEK.


Other conditions will be found in the IML2009. pdf Click HERE to download.

Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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