

Gears, worm and planetary gears,for industrial applications
Gearboxes of highest quality manufactured in Europe. Can be combinded with different DC- or BLDC-motors. There are standard offers but we can also supply you with gearboxes adopted to the application. Pls call us for more information about what we can do for you.

Planetary Gear PLG52M

Planetary gear PLG52M for Bühler Motor Ø63 mm and Ø51 mm, red. 3,7:1 to 169:1

Planetary Gear PLG62M

Planetary gear PLG62M for Bühler Motor Ø63 mm, red. 3,7:1 to 169:1

Planetväxel GP42

Planetary gear GP56 for BLDC-motor Delta Line, red. 3,9:1 to 45,8:1, torque up to 9,8 Nm (Pik 2 x nominal)

Planetväxel GP56

Planetary gear GP56 for BLDC-motor Delta Line, red. 3,3:1 to 62,3:1, torque up to 26,3 Nm (Pik 2 x nominal)

Worm Gear WG31

Worm gear WG31 suitable for Bühler Motor new bMotion serie, motor diameter 63 mm, and motor diameter 51 mm.

OJ-32 Worm Gear

Worm gear for highest requirements, can be induvidual adopted to your application

C-32 Worm Gear

Worm gear for different types of motors, such as DC- and AC-motors. Also with planetary gearbox integrated.

C-40 Worm Gear

Worm gear for different types of motors, such as DC- and AC-motors. Different materials in worm gear to choose from for better fitting.
Torque up to 21 Nm.

Worm gear set

Osvald Jensen produce customer specific solutions according to your needs.

Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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