
MP11 – Conductive Plastic Potentiometer

Miniture rotary potentiometer in 13 mm housing and 3,00 mm shaft

The rotary potentiometer MP11 with mechanical endstop and only Ø13 mm miniature housing is ideal for confined spaces. In addition, the sensor convinces with its lifespan due to the high-quality Comolded conductive plastic technology.

Special Features

  • Ø13 mm miniature housing
  • Mechanical angle 310° with stop, electrical 300°
  • Linearity tolerance 2% (1%)
  • >5 million turns lifetime

Facts Fakta

ResolutionTheoretically infinite
Measurement RangeSingleturn
Output SignalAnalog
Protection ClassUp to IP40
TechnologyConductive Plastic
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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