MCP30 – Conductive Plastic Potentiometer
Potentiometer 0,5 .. 100 kohm, 1,5 watt, high life time and extremly robust.
Special Features
- Linearity tolerance up to 0.1%
- 27 mm housing diameter
- 2 ball bearings
- 3 mm shaftdiameter
- >50 million turns lifetime
- Rear shaft
- Center tap
- Tandem versions
Facts Fakta
Resolution | Theoretically infinite |
Measurement Range | Singleturn |
Electrical angle of rotation | 340° |
Output Signal | Analog |
Protection Class | Up to IP65 |
Technology | Conductive Plastic |
Documents Dokument
DS MCP30 en |
CAD files MCP30 |

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Axel Kullmann