
Encoder Delta Line

Encoder that fits to the Delta Line program of motors. 
100 - 200 - 256 - 400 - 500 - 1024 ... 8000 ppv + Index

For the Delta Line motors, we have three different sensors. 

  • E3 is a high resolution rotary encoder with a rugged glass-filled polymer enclosure, which utilizes either a 5-pin locking or standard connector.
    This optical incremental encoder is designed to easily mount to and dismount from an existing shaft to provide digital feedback information.

  • E4 miniature transmissive optical encoder is designed to provide digital quadrature encoder feedback for high volume, limited space applications.
    The E4T utilizes an innovative, push-on encoder disk which accepts shaft diameters of 2 mm to 6,3 mm. The E4T is designed to be a one-time installation miniature encoder.

  • E5 rotary encoder has a rugged glass-filled polymer enclosure with either a 5-pin or 10-pin latching connector. The module contains a highly collimated solid state light source and monolithic phased array sensor, which together provide a system extremely tolerant to mechanical misalignments.
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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