Planetary gear motor 63 mm
Torque 53 Ncm to 3786 Ncm / 18 rpm - 892 rpm / 12 volt to 24 volt
Robust, smooth running and reliable. German quality!
Robust, smooth running and reliable. German quality!
Lifting, lowering, turning, driving, controlling, adjusting – Bühler Motor is famous for its individually tailored solutions.
Manufactured in Europe with highest quality. Avaliable of the shelf for direct supply, if not temporarily sold out.
Manufactured in Europe with highest quality. Avaliable of the shelf for direct supply, if not temporarily sold out.
Facts Fakta
Voltage [V] | 12, 24 (36, 48) volt |
Torque [Ncm] | 18 - 3800 Ncm |
EMI protection | Optional 2L, 2Cy,1Cx |
Temerature sensor | Optional NTC |
Life time [h] | 4000 hours running, depending on use |

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Axel Kullmann