
KM701 0..200 N to 0…1000 N

Compact shear beam with aluminium body for capacities up to 1 kN.

Series KM701 force sensors are double bending beam sensors and characterized by its tight shape and its easy way of fastening. It could be fixed with 2 screws at any flat and stabil ground. Force application is vertical to sensor-axis.

Special Features

  • Aluminium load cell
  • Tight design
  • Calibration with test certificate

Facts Fakta

Nominal LoadFrom 0..200 N to 0..1 kN
Output Signal2 mV/V
OutputWithout Amplifier
Direction of ForceTension and Compression
DesignShear Beam
Protection ClassIP40
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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