
KM1403 0..50 N to 0..1000 N

Force transducer in S-beam design with M8 thread up to 1 kN in IP54 suitable for industrial scales, batching and packaging systems.

Series KM1403 force transducer are very compact models and do not differ in their dimensions over all offered capacities. Because of their shape (S-Beam) this force transducers are recommended for applications with tension force especially. Force is applicated by M8 internal screw thread. DMS Wheatstonebridges (measuring principle) have delivered an optimal performance since decades and ensures a long lifetime.

Facts Fakta

Nominal LoadFrom 0..50 N to 0..1 kN
Output Signal2 mV/V
OutputWithout Amplifier 2,0 mV/V
Direction of ForceTension and Compression
Protection ClassIP54
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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