
GMH-26 Self-holding solenoid

Open frame solenoid with one discreet position maintained without the continuous application of current.

This typ is also called Bi-stable as it has 2 possible possitions maintianed by permanent magnet and a spring (optional).

Facts Fakta

Voltage6 – 48 VDC
Force35 N
Stroke6 mm

Documents Dokument

Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

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Bistable, no spring, solenoid for highest demands.

Miniature solenoid GM □20-35 mm

The open frame solenoid provides a efficient solution to most applications.

GTP type Permanent Magnet

The self holding function is especially good when it comes to application where no heat disapation from the product itself is wanted.

Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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