DC-Motor 31 mm
3 to 11 watt / 1,0 to 3,2 Ncm / 12 to 24 volt / 3 different sizes
Robust, smooth running and reliable.
Robust, smooth running and reliable.
Lifting, lowering, turning, driving, controlling, adjusting – Bühler Motor is famous for its individually tailored solutions.
Manufactured in Europe with highest quality. Avaliable of the shelf for direct supply.
Manufactured in Europe with highest quality. Avaliable of the shelf for direct supply.
Facts Fakta
Voltage [V] | 12, 24 (36, 48) volt |
Torque [Ncm] | 1,0 - 3,2 Ncm |
Collector | 7-segments |
Life time [h] | => 2000 hours running |
Documents Dokument
DC-motor Buhler motor 31 mm |
DC-motor Buhler 31 mm Ritning |
CAD files.zip |

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Axel Kullmann