
AC - Multiturn-Wirewound Potentiometer

Robust multi-turn potentiometer with high precision in 20 mm housing and many options. The AC potentiometers in rugged 20 mm housing are ideal for applications where a precise and economical multiturn potentiometer is required.

Special Fetaures

  • Economical and precise multiturn sensor with numerous options
  • Completely encapsulated housing with 2 x sleeve bearings
  • With many options


  • Front shaft sealing
  • Improved linearity
  • Improved resistance tolerance
  • Rear shaft and shaft geometry
  • Front shaft adjustment
  • Plug version in preparation
  • Center tap
  • Screwdriver slot
  • Tandem version

The precision potentiometers of the AC series have an additional sintered bearing in the back cover and provide the shaft with improved stability. The completely encapsulated housing increases the robustness in addition. The potentiometer is available in a 3, 5 or 10 turn version.

Facts Fakta

Sensor technologyWirewound Potentiometer
Effective electrical angle of rotationMax. 3600°
ResolutionDepends on resistance value
Output signalAnalog
MountingBushing, opt. PCB mounting
Shaft diameter6,35 mm
Housing diameter20 mm
Housing depthmin. 18 mm
Electrical connectionRadial, Solder contacts
Protection classUp to IP65
Axel Kullmann

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Axel Kullmann

Alla rättigheter © Lotax AB

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